Adventures of Pedro the Locked Out Gnome

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Pedro's Party Parade....

Thursday night, Oct. 6/05, a great night in lockout history is about to begin; it's my farewell party at the Duke of Argyle!

People came from far and wide....

.... to meet me...

... greet me ...

and get on Pedro's wild ride.

TV and radio folks integrated....

... producers pontificated ...

and a dog imitated.
(whether its an ass-kissing employee or manager that's for you to decide, there's plenty to choose from!)

Hey, it's my cousin Jorge! Good to see you, it's been too long! We need to get you a sign.

That's better! Now we need to get you a beer.

There, now you're ready to party!

These guys don't even work for CBC, but they want to get on the Pedro bandwagon! (can you blame them?)

Oh, the ladies, will they still follow my adventures when we go back to work?

I hope so!

Oh Jorge, one drink and you're already in trouble.

Unlike Jorge, I'm a lover, not a fighter.

What do you think, should the CBC shop start selling these t-shirts? Start a campaign!

Well well, I got me some beads! Now the party is really gonna start!

Nice pecs, but not what I had in mind.

Now that's more like it. Not a bad view, eh Jorge?


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